Policies and Plans
NEW 2024-2025 District-wide Safety Plan
Adopted by BOE, July 09, 2024.
1. HCSD Policies - BY-LAWS
- 1110 School District and Board of Education Legal Status and Authority
- 1120 Board of Education Members Qualifications, Numbers and Terms of Office
- 1210 Board of Education Members Nomination and Election
- 1220 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions
- 1230 Resignation and Dismissal
- 1310 Powers and Duties of the Board
- 1320 Nomination and Election of Board Officers and Duties of the President and Vice President
- 1330 Appointments and Designations by the Board of Education
- 1331 Duties of the District Clerk
- 1332 Duties of the School District Treasurer
- 1333 Duties of the Tax Collector
- 1334 Duties of the External (Independent) Auditor
- 1335 Appointment and Duties of the Claims Auditor
- 1336 Duties of the Extraclassroom Activity Fund Treasurer
- 1337 Duties of the School Attorney
- 1338 Duties of the School PhysicianNurse
- 1339 Duties of the Internal Auditor
- 1410 Policy and Administrative Regulations
- 1510 Regular Board Meetings and Rules (Quorum and Parlimentary Procedure
- 1520 Special Meetings of the Board of Education
- 1530 Minutes
- 1540 Executive Sessions
- 1610 Annual District Meeting and ElectionBudget Vote
- 1611 Business of the Annual District Election
- 1620 Annual Organizational Meeting
- 1630 Legal Qualifications of Voters at School District Meetings
- 1640 Absentee Ballots
- 1650 Submission of Questions and Propositions at Annual Elections and Special District Meetings
- 2110 Orienting New Board Members
- 2120 Board Member Training on Financial Oversight, Accountability and Fiduciary Responsibilities
- 2210 Committees of the Board
- 2310 Membership in Associations
- 2320 Attendance by Board Members at Conferences, Conventions and Workshops
- 2330 Compensation and Expenses
- 2340 Board Self-Evaluation
- 3110 MediaMunicipal GovernmentsSenior Citizens
- 3120 School District Standards and Guidelines for Web Page Publishing
- 3140 Flag Display
- 3150 School Volunteers
- 3210 Visitors to the School
- 3230 Public Complaints
- 3240 Student Participation
- 3250 Parent-Teacher Association
- 3271 Solicitation of Charitable Donations
- 3272 Advertising in the Schools
- 3280 Use of School Facilities, Materials and Equipment
- 3290 Operation of Motor-Driven Vehicles on District Property
- 3310 Public Access to Records
- 3320 Confidentiality of Computerized Information
- 3410 Code of Conduct on School Property
- 3411 Unlawful Possession of a Weapon Upon School Grounds
- 3412 Threats of Violence in School
- 3420 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment in the District
- 3421 Title IX and Sex Discrimination
- 3430 Uniform Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting System (Vadir)
- 3510 Emergency School Closings
- 3520 Etraordinary Circumstances
- 4110 Administrative Personnel
- 4210 Administrative Organization and Operation
- 4211 HCS Organizational Chart
- 4220 Administrative Authority
- 4230 District Committees
- 4240 Evaluation of the Superintendent and Other Administrative Staff
- 4310 Superintendent of Schools
- 4320 Superintendent-Board of Education Relations
- 4410 Professional Development Opportunities
- 4420 Compensation and Related Benefits
- 5110 Budget Planning and Development
- 5120 School District Budget Hearing
- 5130 Budget Adoption
- 5140 Administration of the Budget
- 5150 Contingency Budget
- 5210 Revenues
- 5220 District Investments
- 5230 Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the School District
- 5240 School Tax Assessment and Collection
- 5241 Property Tax Exemptions
- 5250 Sale and Disposal of School District Property
- 5310 Bonding of Employees and School Board Members
- 5320 Expenditures of School District Funds
- 5321 Use of the District Credit Card
- 5323 Reimbursement For MealRefreshments
- 5330 Budget Transfers
- 5340 Borrowing of Funds
- 5410 Purchasing
- 5510 Accounting of Funds
- 5520 Extraclassroom Activity Fund
- 5530 Petty Cash Funds and Cash in School Buildings
- 5540 Publication of District's Annual Financial Statement
- 5550 Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (Title I Programs)
- 5560 Use of Federal Funds for Political Expenditures
- 5570 Financial Accountability
- 5571 Allegations of Fraud
- 5572 Audit Committee
- 5573 Internal Audit Function
- 5610 Insurance
- 5620 Inventories
- 5621 Accounting of Fixed Assets
- 5630 Facilities Inspection, Operation and Maintenance
- 5631 Hazardous Waste and Handling of Toxic Substances by Employees
- 5633 Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathrooms
- 5650 Energy-Water Conservation and Recycling of Solid Waste
- 5660 Meal Charging and Prohibition Against Meal Shaming
- 5661 Wellness
- 5670 Records Management
- 5671 Disposal of Consumer Report Information and Records
- 5672 Information Security Breach and Notification
- 5676 Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data
- 5680 Safety and Security
- 5681 School Safety Plans
- 5682 Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public School Facilities
- 5683 Fire Drills, Bomb Threats and Bus Emergency Drills
- 5684 Anthrax and Other Biological Terrorism Prevention Protocols-for Mail Handling
- 5684 Use of Surveillance Cameras in the School District and on School Buses
- 5690 Exposure Control Program
- 5691 Communicable Diseases
- 5692 Human Immunodeiciency Virus (HIV) Related Illnesses
- 5710 Transportation Program
- 5720 Scheduling and Routing
- 5730 Transportation of Students
- 5740 Use of Buses by Community Groups
- 5750 School Bus Safety Program
- 5760 Qualifications of Bus Drivers
- 5761 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers and Other Safety-Sensitive Employees
- HCS Wellness Policy 07.11.23
6. HCSD Policies - PERSONNEL
- 6110 Code of Ethics for all District Personnel
- 6120 Equal Employment Opportunity
- 6121 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- 6122 Complaints and Grievances By Employees
- 6130 Evaluation of Personnel- Purposes
- 6140 Health Examinations
- 6150 Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (School Personnel)
- 6151 Drug-Free Workplace
- 6160 Professional Growth-Staff Development
- 6161 Conference-Travel Expense Reimbursement
- 6170 Fingerprinting of Perspective School Employees
- 6171 Safe Mentoring Act
- 6180 Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization)
- 6210 Certified Personnel
- 6211 Recruitment
- 6212 Certification and Qualifications
- 6213 Professional Certification-175 Hours of Professional Development Requirement
- 6214 Incidental Teaching
- 6215 Probation and Tenure
- 6216 Discipling of a Tenured Teacher or Certified Personnel
- 6217 Professional Staff- Separation
- 6218 Employment of Relatives of Board of Education Members
- 6220 Temporary Personnel
- 6310 Appointment-Support Staff
- 6320 Supplementary School Personnel
- 6410 Maintaining Discipline and Conduct
- 6420 Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information
- 6430 Employee Activities
- 6440 Negotiations
- 6450 Theft of Services or Property
- 6460 Jury Duty
- 6470 Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources
- 6510 Health Insurance
- 6520 Workers' Compensation
- 6530 Payroll Deductions
- 6540 Defense and Indemnification of Baord Members and Employees
- 6550 Leaves of Absence
- 6551 Family and Medical Leave Act
- 6552 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Military Leaves of Absence
- 6570 Remote Working
7. HCSD Policies - STUDENTS
- 7110 Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy
- 7111 Released Time of Students
- 7120 Age of Entrance
- 7121 Diagnostic Screening of Students
- 7130 Entitlement to Attend--Age and Residency
- 7131 Education of Students in Temporary Housing
- 7132 Non-Resident Students
- 7140 Involuntary Transfer of Students
- 7150 Remote Learning
- 7160 School Census
- 7210 Student Evaluation
- 7211 Provisions of Interpreter Services to Parents who are Hearing Impaired
- 7220 Graduation Requirements-Early Graduation
- 7222 Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
- 7230 Dual Credit for College Courses
- 7240 Student Records- Access and Challenge
- 7241 Release of Information to the Noncustodial Parent
- 7242 Student Directory Information
- 7243 Military Recruiters' Access to Secondary School Students and Information on Students
- 7250 Student Privacy, Parental Access to Information, and Administration of Certain Physical Examiations to MinorsPhysical Exami
- 7260 Designation of Person in Parental Relation
- 7310 School Conduct and Discipline
- 7311 Loss and Destruction of District Property or Resources
- 7312 Student Dress Code
- 7313 Suspension of Students
- 7314 Students Presumed to have a Disability for Discipline Purposes
- 7315 Student Use of Computerized Information Resources (Acceptable Use Policy)
- 7320 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
- 7330 Searches and Interrogations
- 7340 Bus Rules and Regulations
- 7350 Corporal Punishment-Emergency Intervention
- 7360 Weapons in School and the Gun-Free Schools Act
- 7410 Extracurricular Activities
- 7411 Censorship of School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
- 7420 Sports and the Athletic Program
- 7430 Contest for Students, Student Awards and Scholarships
- 7440 Student Voter Registration and Pre-Registration
- 7450 Fund Raising by Students
- 7460 Constitutionally Protected Player in the Public Schools
- 7510 School Health Services
- 7511 Immunization of Students
- 7512 Student Physicals
- 7513 Administration of Medication
- 7514 Health Records
- 7520 Accidents and Medical Emergencies
- 7521 Students with Life Threatening Allergies
- 7530 Child Abuse and Neglect-Maltreatment
- 7540 Suicide
- 7550 Complaints and Grievances by Students
- 7551 Sexual Harassment of Students
- 7552 Bullying-Peer Abuse in the Schools
- 7553 Hazing of Students
- 7560 Notification of Sex Offenders
- 7570 Supervision of Students
- 7610 Special Education- District Plan
- 7611 Children with Disabilities
- 7612 Grouping by Similarity of Needs
- 7613 The Role of The Board in Implementing a Student's Individualized Education Program
- 7614 Preschool Special Education Program
- 7615 Least Restrictive Envirinment
- 7616 Prereferral Intervention Strategies in General Education (Prior to a Referral for Special Education)
- 7617 Declassification of Students with Disabilities
- 7618 Response to Intervention (RTI) Process
- 7620 Students with Disabilities Participating in School District Programs
- 7621 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 7631 Appointment and Training of Committee on Special Education Members
- 7632 Appointment and Training of Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Members
- 7640 Student Individualized Education Program (IEP) -Development and Provision
- 7641 Transition Services
- 7642 Extended School Year (July-August) Services and-or Programs
- 7643 Transfer Students with Disabilities
- 7650 Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities (Child Find)
- 7660 Parent Involvement for Children with Disabilities
- 7670 Impartial Due Process Hearings-Selection of Impartial Hearing Officers
- 7680 Independent Educational Evaluations
- 7690 Special Education Mediation
- 8110 Curriculum Development, Resources and Evaluation
- 8120 Request for Part 100 Variance or Part 200 Innovative Program Waiver from Commissioner's Regulations
- 8130 Equal Educational Opportunities
- 8210 Safety Conditions and Programs
- 8211 Prevention Instruction
- 8220 Career and Technical (Occupational) Education
- 8230 Guidance Program
- 8240 Instructional Programs- Driver Education, Gifted and Talented Education and Physical Education
- 8241 Patriotism, Citizenship and Human Rights Education
- 8242 Civility, Citizenship and Character Education-Interpersonal Violence Prevention Education
- 8250 Evaluation of the Instructional Program
- 8260 Title1 Parent & Family Engagement
- 8270 Instructional Technology
- 8270.2.7.2 Electronic Devices
- 8271 Children's Internet Protection Act-Internet Content Filtering Safety Policy
- 8280 Instruction for English Language Learners or Students with Limited English Proficiency
- 8310 Purposes of Instructional Materials
- 8320 Selection of Library and Multimedia Materials
- 8330 Objection to Instructional Materials
- 8331 Controversial Issues
- 8340 Textbooks-Workbooks-Calculators-Instructional Computer Hardware
- 8350 Use of Copyrighted Materials
- 8360 Religious Expression in the Instructional Program
- 8410 School Calendar and School Day
- 8420 Opening Exercises
- 8430 Independent Study for Transfer Credit
- 8440 Homework
- 8450 Home Tutoring (Homebound Instruction)
- 8460 Field Trips
- 8470 Home Instruction (Home Schooling)
9. HCSD Policies - INDEX
FERPA References, click on the following link: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html#
Foster Care Documents
Software Contracts
Links to Contracts and Supplemental Information:
Other Important Documents
- AIS/RTI Intervention Plan K-12
- New York State ESSA Complaint Procedure
- NYS Migrant Education Program Parent Survey
- Hammond School-Parent Compact 20-21
- DASA Reporting Form
- HCSD Code of Conduct
- Professional Learning Plan 2024-2025
- OSC Report for Hammond Central School District - Financial Management 2024M-70
2018-2021 Technology Plan
Data Protection/Privacy Office (DPO)
Lauren Morley
[email protected]
315-324-5931 ext. 26301
Foster Care Point of Contact
Renee Breault
[email protected]
315-324-5931 ext. 26131
DASA Coordinator
Lauren Morley
315-324-5931 ext. 26101