Wellness Resources
Wellness Committee
The Hammond Central School Wellness Committee is composed of faculty, staff, students and community members who are excited and motivated to promote a healthy environment for our school community. As a committee and district we understand the importance of personal wellness; physically, socially and emotionally. We aim to support and build healthy activity and nutrition habits for our school community in the hopes that these fundamentals will stay with our students as they grow and then graduate beyond our walls.
Our Wellness Committee works in conjunction with the Health Initiative as a part of the Creating Healthy Schools and Communities Grant to build and sustain a culture of wellness through district wellness policy updates, professional development, regularly assessing student and school community needs and gaining access to grant funded resources. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 requires that a wellness committee be formed at the district level and include representation from our school building. The committee is responsible for establishing the framework for the content of the local school wellness policies, ensuring stakeholder participation in the development of such policies, and requires the periodic assessment of compliance and reporting on the progress toward achieving the goals of the local school wellness policy.
Hammond LWP Annual Progress Assessment - 2022
Hammond LWP Annual Progress Assessment - 2024
Local School Wellness Policy Annual Progress Report
School District: Hammond Central School
School Buildings: 2022-23
School Year: Fall 2022
Date Report Completed: Fall 2022
1. Wellness policy
Web address to access the wellness policy: Hammond Wellness Policy - Policy # 5661
Other ways to access the policy (Hammond Website Wellness Resources Tab): Wellness Resources - Hammond Central Webpage
2. Wellness policy triennial assessment
Date of most recent assessment: 2021-22 School Year
Web address to access the assessment: Hammond LWP Annual Progress Wellness Assessment - 2022
Date of next planned assessment: 2024-25 School Year
3. Summary of progress in meeting policy goals
The Hammond Central School Wellness Committee has been reinvigorated during the 2021-2022 school year and continues its important work into the 2022-2023 year. The committee is composed of faculty, staff, students and community members who are excited and motivated to promote a healthy environment for our school community. As a committee and district we understand the importance of personal wellness; physically, socially and emotionally. We aim to support and build healthy activity and nutrition habits for our school community in the hopes that these fundamentals will stay with our students as they grow and then graduate beyond our walls.
Our Wellness Committee works in conjunction with the Health Initiative as a part of the Creating Healthy Schools and Communities Grant to build and sustain a culture of wellness through district wellness policy updates, professional development, regularly assessing student and school community needs and gaining access to grant funded resources. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 requires that a wellness committee be formed at the district level and include representation from our school building. The committee is responsible for establishing the framework for the content of the local school wellness policies, ensuring stakeholder participation in the development of such policies, and requires the periodic assessment of compliance and reporting on the progress toward achieving the goals of the local school wellness policy.
4. Summary of future plans to meet wellness policy goals

5. Contact information for questions, feedback or to get involved
Form template developed by the Creating Healthy Schools and Communities project of the Health Initiative (April 2022)

District Wellness Policy
Local School Wellness Policy
Healthy Habits
Skip the Screen
Physical Activity
Exploring the Mind-Body Connection
Get Moving
Physical Activity Cards for All Ages
Before & After School Activities
Making the Connection: Social Emotional Learning and Physical Activity
Healthy Food Ideas
Swap Out Sugary Drinks
Load Up on Fruits and Veggies
Making the Connection: Social Emotional Learning and Nutrition
- Healthy Food Ideas Tip Sheets on your district’s wellness webpage!
- Nemours Children’s Health is a highly regarded resource for kids, teens, and parents/adults. As a start, here is a Teens’ ADHD Tips to Try article and a Kid’s ADHD article. There are also resources specific to parents/adults and educators.
- MyPlate is a source for general nutrition information, though updates are expected to the federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans which may influence changes to this model soon. For now, resources are available for various audiences including free printable pages for children and youth, materials for adults, etc. by searching the website.
- While perhaps not directly related, this School-Based Tele-mental Healthcare and Other Health Services report may contain helpful resources.